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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Service meter reads behave very similarly to billing meter reads. They also have an opening balance, and are tracked using stock on jobs.


Stock on jobs increases the meter read, and any RFCs (Return from Customer) decrease the meter read.

Service reads can only be entered manually from the machine contract, or from a job.

Service reads work and report independently from the current meter read value that is displayed in the Meter Read tab on the machine.

Service reads are used for the right hand Consumable panel display. In general, Jim2 does favour the billing reads, and extrapolates what the estimated reads for today might be. However, a service read is used if the date matches exactly, or if the service read is the only read value available.

Users will receive a warning pop-up when entering manual billing reads that are lower than a recorded service read. There is no such warning if a read comes from an MPS Connector


Service reads are ordered by the Date Out on a job, whereas billing reads are ordered by the Date Due.


Invoicing jobs for the same machine out of order may cause Jim2 to calculate an incorrect read for the interim job.


Further information:
