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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

On the Profit & Loss tab run an extremely powerful P&L analysis based on the following query criteria, based on the company (or companies) selected.




Period or Date Range:


pl period

Choose either to run P&L report views by accounting periods or for a specific date range. Click the calendar icon trans date calendar icon to choose other date ranges, such as Today, This Week, This Month, Last Year, Last Quarter, etc.


bi dropdown


The P&L can be run just for a specific branch (if branches are enabled) and sub-branch, company or database (the structure of the general ledger must be the same in all databases), or run a P&L for all or some companies by selecting the companies required in the Companies field.


pl branch mc


In Style pick what P&L information to look at:




Standard – monthly views.

YTD Comparison – will provide a running total of how the business has been performing from the start of the financial year.

Previous Year Comparison – This will compare this time last year with right now.

Budget Comparison – This will compare how the business is performing now to a designated budget. Choose a budget from the dropdown options to compare to for this to work.

Budget Only – Through this look at budget/contracted P&L.

Budget and YTD Comparison – Compares budget and year to date side by side.

Display – Specify what time period to sort the P&L by: Total Only, Daily, Yearly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, Yearly (Financial).

Group By – If Branches or Sub-Branches are being used, grouping the P&L by them is possible. Options are: Branch, Sub-Branch, GL Department, Database.

Offset – Offset comparisons by year from 9 to -9.

General Ledger Levels – Set how many levels down for the P&L to look at.

Include 13th Period – Include 13th period in the general ledger.

Show Account Numbers/Show Zero Balances/Show Cents – Yes/No?


After these options have been set up, run the P&L. This is a standard P&L Report displaying monthly:


pl report mc


And this is a P&L using Budget Comparison showing Quarterly.


qtly budget


When running a budget comparison, Jim2 will display a change in $ and a change in % columns.


hide change pl


By right clicking on the figures, select Hide the Change Columns, do a drill down via Account inquiry or General Ledger to see what transactions make up these figures.


Right click within the grid and select Export Data to export to a spreadsheet, HTML, XML or text file.


Further information



Set up and Use Multi-Company

Company Accounts

CardFiles, Jobs, Quotes, Purchase Orders

Inter-Company Stock Availability and Usage

Close Financial Year

Business Analysis

Balance Sheet

Profit and Loss
