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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

How the Cost tab works depends on your selling price calculation as to what cost it picks up. For example, if you use List - Percent it will pick up either the Vendor Estimated Cost or Last Cost depending on the most recent date.


So, if your selling price calculation is Last Cost or List - it will pick up either Last Cost or Estimated Cost (most recent). If your selling price is Avg Cost plus it will pick up Avg COG etc.


If the Vendor tab on the stock record is being regularly updated, it will use that cost. It may be worthwhile investigating eBusiness Connect to automate this process. Contact for more information.


The Cost tab shows the expected cost of the stock that you are quoting, and the related vendor/supplier. The information is automatically added to this tab, as you add stock to the quote.


quote cost tab


Price Calculation Method

Jim2 matches the price level (See Pricing Tab in Stock) with the current customer. If Jim2 finds a price level match, it will look at the Price Calc Method.

if Price Calc Method is Avg COGS + Markup or Avg COGS + Margin, Jim will get the Average COG Value.

if Price Calc Method is Max COGS + Markup or Max COGS + Margin, Jim will get the Max COG Value

if Price Calc Method is Est. Cost + Markup or Est. Cost + Margin, Jim will get the Vendor Estimated Cost (from the Vendors Tab in Stock).


All other values for Price Calc Method mean that Jim2 will get the Last COG Value.


The fields in the stock grid are explained below.


Grid Fields



The date the stock was entered.


User's initials.


Branch, if used.

Stock Code

This is the stock code of the item you are quoting.


This is the stock description, automatically populated after the stock code has been entered.


Unit type.


This is how many of this particular stock is being quoted on.

Price Ex.

This is the price of the goods tax free (excluding GST).

Price Inc.

This is the price of the goods including tax (including GST) – the tax code is set up within the stock record.

Disc %

The discount given, if any.


The tax code in use, eg. G for GST.


Recommended stock. Tick for yes, leave blank for no.


When printing the quote, this gives you the option of hiding individual quote lines or prices.


Total price of that stock line.


You can enter a preferred vendor in this field. This is particularly useful as this information will flow though to jobs and auto-created purchase orders. See below for more information on Vendor and Markup % fields.

Markup %

The markup percentage (you can read a detailed explanation of markup here).

The fields below will always show in the home currency. Commission details will only show if Commission Sessions are in use (enabled via Options).


This field is populated from the stock code, and would normally be the last cost (this can vary depending on the price level on the stock). However, if you have entered a vendor in the Vendor field, you can change this amount.

Cost Total

The cost price multiplied by the quantity.

Total Ex.

The total price excluding GST.

Comm Floor

Used when calculating commission based on profit. If a commission floor cost is entered, profit calculations will use this value rather than the actual cost, eg. for cost $1000, actual cost $945, profit based on $1000. floor cost.

Comm %

Percent of commission to be paid depending on commission method, ie. Price Inc, Price Ex or Profit.

Comm Extra

A flat dollar amount paid per stock sold, ie. for $100 for every 10 jackets sold.


The fields at the bottom right of the form are explained below.


Footer Fields


SubTotal $

The total price, ex. GST, that you will be selling this stock for.

Cost Total $

The total price that you have paid (or will pay) for this stock ex. GST.

Profit $ (%)

Your profit is shown as a percentage (in brackets), and as a dollar value in the field.


Purchase Details

Purchase details are either manually added to a quote, automatically added, or updated via a promotion.


purchase details


The two values that make up purchase details are:





The vendor the cost price (in the home currency) was sourced from, and who a purchase will be created for when using Auto Create PO .


The cost price (in the home currency) that is used in quote profit calculations, and will be used when using Auto Create PO.


The purchase details are used when creating a purchase order using the Auto Create PO function and allow for pre-setting both the preferred vendor and cost (buy price). The Cost value is also used for calculating the quote profit figures.


The purchase details show the source of the details (promotion, manually entered, etc.) and the source reference. The cost price is colour coded to indicate the source, and hovering your cursor over the Cost cell will display the details.


Purchase Source



Manually Entered


Cost price has been manually entered.



Cost price based on a promotion.


Purchase details can flow through the entire sale process as follows:

Added to a quote when quoting the customer and sourcing buy details from your vendor.

Added to a job once the quote is accepted by the customer using Create Job.

Added to the purchase order from the job via Auto Create PO.


Commission Details

Commission details are added in one of three ways: manually added to a job/quote, automatically added or updated via a promotion. Commission details will only show if Commission Sessions are in use (enabled via Options).


commission details


The values that make up Commission Details are:




Comm Floor

If entered, this is the cost (in the home currency) that commission calculations will be based on.

Comm %

The % of commission to be paid based on the commission calculated method used.

Comm Extra

This is an additional amount or a flat $ figure that will be paid as commission.


The commission details allow for pre-setting the commission values to use in a Commission Session, and are entirely optional.


The commission details show the source of the details (promotion, manually entered, etc.) and the source reference. The commission details are colour coded to indicate the source, and hovering your cursor over the cell will display the details.


Purchase Source



Manually Entered


Commission details have been manually entered



Commission details are based on a promotion



Commission details are based on the stock record

Commission Session


Commission details are based on a Commission Session


Commission details can flow through the entire sale process as follows:

Added to a quote when quoting the customer.

Added to a job once the quote is accepted by the customer using Create Job.

Used in Commission Sessions when the job is invoiced.


Further information:

Quote Footer

Quote Text Tab

Quote Invoice Details Tab

Quote Linked Jobs Tab