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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Stock > Kitting

Pricing and Kitting

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You can adjust the prices of the stock within a kit on a job, and the price of a kit itself. For example, if we wanted to adjust the price of the plasma TV to $700.00, you can type it into the line directly.


sony ent pack


When you tab forward, Jim2 will recalculate the totals.


sony ent pack1


You can also adjust the price of the total kit, by editing the Price field in the stock grid of a job.


sony ent pack2


When you tab forward, you will notice that Jim2 will have automatically readjusted all the prices in the kit proportionately to match the total kit price. Jim2 calculates the price difference by noting the percentage of price change, then adjusting the price change to this percentage.


Price TF



If you have a kit with kit components having a discount already applied (eg. using List - Disc price calc on stock code), when applying a discount to the kit header Jim2 recalculates the discount based on the Price Ex column, applies the discount and ignores the component discount. Kit components should use the List - Percent price level to prevent this.


To proportionately adjust the stock to match a job order total (ALL stock, not just the kit), right click on the kit and select Recalculate all Stock Prices to match Job total:




Enter the new job total:


new job total


Then click OK. Jim2 will automatically calculate the stock prices to match the job total.


new total


You may also change the price of the individual components in the kit. Jim2 will automatically recalculate the total price of the kit to adjust to the new price:


recalculate current


recalculated current


If you have adjusted the price of a particular stock, and want to reset back to the original price, then you can do this by right clicking on the particular line of stock to reset, then selecting Recalculate current Stock price.


You can reset the prices of all stock by selecting Recalculate all Stock prices.



The quantity of components within a kit must be divisible by the quantity in the kit header.


Further information: