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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

The kitting functionality in Jim2 allows you to bundle up individual stock items into kits. The individual stock codes which make up the kit are treated separately with regard to stock control, etc. but grouped in this way with a single stock code, make it much easier to choose when adding to a job or quote.


You must create the kit as a new stock code before you use it, with individual components set up in the Kitting tab. Once made, and on the sales line, you can sell it as it is, or you can delete or add components (dynamic kits only).


In kitting, you can also set special bundle prices for the overall kit, or how much individual stock costs within the kit. Jim2 will take the price proportions of the stock, and if you then change the price of the kit on the sales order, Jim2 can adjust the prices sensibly. For example, Jim2 will know that a DVD player is many times more expensive than the DVD it is bundled with.


Rules with Jim2 are that virtual stock and existing kits cannot form part of new kit.


The following stock types apply to Kitting:


Stock Type


Box Status


This options allows full Stock control – Selling and Purchasing monitoring.

ALL tick boxes are active.

Non depleting

Use this option if you don't require Stock control monitoring.

Manufacturing, and Serial# choices are disabled.


Use this option for your labour (Stock).

This Stock I Buy in, Manufacturing, and Serial# choices are disabled.


Select this type if you want to use this stock as a Test or Check with an Item. For more info, see Quality (small) below.

This Stock I Buy in, Manufacturing, I Service, and Serial# choices are disabled.


Select this type when purchasing stock for a special job, or for stock you don't normally carry, eg. a mechanic might buy in a part to repair his own Holden, even though he normally only keeps parts in stock to repair Japanese made cars. For more information, see Info (small) below.

Serial# on sell can't be selected.


Use virtual for any stock that you anticipate selling, but do not want to purchase immediately. This allows you to use that stock in quotes. You can make that stock real, when needed, by changing the stock type.

All This Stock I options disabled. Serial# disabled.

Dynamic Kitting

Dynamic Kitting allows you to bundle various stock components together, to sell as a single kit. The contents can be changed at any time, and credits can be issued for all, or only some of the stock in the kit. The stock components remain in their normal stock locations, and can still be used individually on other jobs.

This Stock I Buy in, and Manufacturing tick boxes are disabled. Serial# on purchase can't be used.

Static Kitting

With Static Kitting (as with Dynamic), you bundle various stock components together, to sell as a single kit. However, once set up, the contents of a static kit cannot be changed, and if issuing a credit, it must be for the entire kit. The stock components remain in their normal stock locations, and can still be used individually on other jobs.

This Stock I Buy in, and Manufacturing tick boxes are disabled. Serial# on purchase can't be used.


Packaging differs from kitting in that the stock components of the package are locked away, and are unavailable for sale or use in another job. Ideally, the stock components should be moved from their normal stock bins and placed in a physical package (or at the very least, placed together in a single location).

This Stock I Buy in, Manufacturing, Serial# (all), and Attributes (all) are greyed out.


Journal Stock allows you to invoice either positive or negative $ amounts directly to any non-linked general ledger account, and is perfect for invoicing non-stock items such as discounts, advertising, rebates, etc.

Manufacturing, I Service, and Serial# are greyed out. Can't select Attributes on purchase.


Further information: