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Project Template Creation Example 2

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Existing Jim2 user – Existing Managed Services users moving to the Managed Services template billing

This section is included to help existing clients currently using older versions of the Managed Services Edition for billing to understand what changes they should be immediately aware of, and how to fast track to the use of the template billing model. Now, all existing projects with stock lines contained within the Default Stock tab will have a project-specific template created for them. This is to ensure that billing can continue without any change or update required.


The Templates tab of each existing contract will show the applicable billing template, which can be viewed and edited as appropriate.


As mentioned in the Included Templates section, we have set up some default inheritances that we feel best fit most situations.


Prior to performing any upgrade, restore your production Jim2 accounts database to Jim_Training. Refer to Create a Training Database for information on how to do this. Run the upgrade installer, and ensure you choose to have both databases upgraded.


Log on to the Training Database

The first thing you will notice when running a project list is that all the projects with billing stock will have a contract value in the Billing Total Ex. column (far right of screen). You will also see the Billing Total in project lists and the billing template itself.


Checking the Templates

You can view the template via the Templates tab on the Project,


templates on project


or you can view them all via the ribbon. Select Projects > Template List.


Template list icon


Update the view filter to show both Active and Shared templates, then Run the list.


project list header


Review the templates and ensure they look as you expect. Take note of the default inheritance and how it applies to your templates. You should now log on to the training database and perform a billing job creation run from a project list or at project level, as per normal practice.


Run a list of the created billing jobs, and review to ensure they are correctly representing the contract header and template stock values you expected. Once you are happy the jobs are being created for billing correctly, you should make any identified changes to your production environment in preparation for the next billing run.


While not required immediately, work through the other examples within your training database. Look at how you can better streamline ongoing job creation requirements.


Further information: