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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

When creating project templates, you can optionally restrict where a given template can be used from within a template using Template Restrictions.


template restrictions


Project-specific template restrictions can also lock the template to a specific project:


template restrictions1


Template restriction setups:


Action – select an applicable action, and the template can only ever be associated to the action specified.


Level – level allows you to take the restriction further, with three possible options:

1.Project – set to link the project directly to a single project only.

2.Project Type – set so the template can only be used by projects of the specified Project Type.

3.Project System Type – set so the template can only be used by projects of the specified Project System Type.


Once a level restriction is selected, you must also supply an appropriate value in the level value selector.


Project – prompts you to select a specific project.


project select


Project Type – the Value field will be changed to include a drop-down [...], where you must select a Project Type.


template value


Project System Type – the Value field will be changed to include a drop-down [...], where you must select the Project System Type.


project systype


When saving, you will receive the following:


Prompt for new link


Template Restrictions and Included Template Inheritance

It is important to note that, when creating restrictions, the rules of included templates also apply. For example, if you were to set the restriction on a given template Action – Service, and the included template has a restriction of Action – Onsite, it would result in the following error when saving the template.


action error


If you try to Create Similar on Project using a restricted template, the following warning will appear.


template restriction links


You only have two options at this point:

1.Remove the link to the template that can only be used by machine 1590, or

2.Relax the constraints on the template so that it can be used by more than just machine 1590. You might change it by saying this template can be used by all projects of project type Machine.


Further information: