Nav Tree

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The Nav Tree, positioned down the left-hand side of the Jim2 screen, displays all Ribbon tab functions (in the same order as they appear on the ribbon), with all activities and lists that are currently in use. You can move between activities and lists via the Nav Tree.



Switch between objects by selecting the appropriate object name in the Nav Tree.

Expand or minimise all objects by single clicking on the Nav Tree field at the top of the tree.


Double click on a list in the Nav Tree (or single click in the Nav Tree field with that object highlighted), which will collapse all other lists but keep that one open.


Reorder the entire Nav Tree and ribbon. For example, change the layout to Schedule, Dashboard, Email, Jobs, etc., placing the areas that are most used higher up the tree, making them more easily accessible. Reorder all lists in the tree, and even move objects (jobs, quotes, etc.) out of the lists by either dragging the object or using the Transfer From icon in the Quick Access toolbar.


hmtoggle_arrow1   The Nav Tree in action


hmtoggle_arrow1   Expanding the Nav Tree


hmtoggle_arrow1Right click options in the Nav Tree


Further information


Jim2 Menu

Jim2 Ribbon

Preview Pane

Quick Access Toolbar

Searching Within Jim2

Work Area