Jim2 Ribbon

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The ribbon at the top of the screen acts as the main gateway to the most frequently used functions in Jim2. The tab headings represent the different objects in Jim2 (ie. jobs, purchases, etc.). Contained within each tab heading are tab groups. Each icon in the group represents an action that can be taken. For example, within the CardFiles tab is the Add CardFile icon. Similarly, the Items tab contains the Add Item icon.



Enter text in the Search Ribbon field to help find something specific within the Jim2 Ribbon.




Each ribbon tab contains the sub-groups Email Actions and Reports. Email Actions allow the creation of emails from within Jim2, including those related to the currently open object, eg. an email about a specific job or quote. The Report sub-group includes a context-sensitive report toolbar where a unique suite of reports is available, relevant to the current activity. Furthermore, several tab groups contain print and unprint icons in the ribbon.




hmtoggle_arrow1   Screen tips


hmtoggle_arrow1   Ribbon tabs


Further information


Jim2 Menu

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Searching Within Jim2

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