eBusiness Transactions

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ebusiness transactions


eBusiness Transactions allow viewing eBusiness transactions that have already been processed, or which are currently being processed. Access eBusiness Transactions from the eBusiness icon on the ribbon, or right click on eBusiness in the Nav Tree. Across the top of the form there are see two tabs: InBound Queue and OutBound Queue.


When eBusiness transactions take place, ie. when an electronic purchase order is placed with a vendor (via the eSend button on the purchase order), it is sent to the OutBound Queue. It is then processed by Jim2 eBusiness Server, which attempts to deliver it to the vendor. If this fails for some reason, eg. the internet is down, the transaction will remain active in the queue and will be resubmitted later. By default, only unprocessed transactions are displayed. Inbound Queue will show all inbound orders.


Tick Include Processed Transactions to view all eBusiness transactions.


ebusiness transactions screen


Sorting, searching and grouping are available as per other lists in Jim2. Select the column header in the grid to sort, then drag it to the Group By area to group.


ebusiness drag


Further information

Customer Stock Feeds


eBusiness Connect Framework

eBusiness Security

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eBusiness and the Publish Price to Options

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