eBusiness and Stock

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hmtoggle_arrow1Create stock in Jim2 from vendor stock


hmtoggle_arrow1Linked stock


hmtoggle_arrow1Selected Stock tab


Sorting, searching and grouping is available as per other lists in Jim2. Select the column header in the grid to be sorted, then drag it to the Group By area to group.




There are two elements to vendor stock feeds, and how they update into Jim2 stock.

1.For updates to occur, the vendor stock has to be linked to the Jim2 stock. If there is no link, there will be no update to the Jim2 pricing (or other data).

The vendor stock code and Jim2 stock code can be completely different.

There are some ways for Jim2 to automatically link stock (eg. vendor and vendor's code in the vendor feed matches the vendor and vendor's code on the Jim2 stock Vendors tab). However, if this does not happen, manually link the stock in Vendor Stock Feeds to the Jim2 stock.

2.Updates to Jim2 stock are controlled by the vendor feed rules.


If stock is linked:

and a rule is set so list prices will be updated, the list price in Jim2 for that stock will be updated


This will also impact any pricing that is based on this list price (eg. pricing using the List-Discount method).

and has pricing calculated on last price (which can be calculated based on the pricing on the stock's Vendors tab), these prices will be impacted.


Further information

eBusiness Connect Framework

Customer Stock Feeds and Setup

eBusiness Security

eBusiness and the Publish Price to Options

eBusiness Rules

eBusiness Transactions

Manual Vendor Stock Feeds

Vendor Stock Feeds