Customer Stock Feeds and Setup

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customer feeds


Customer Stock Feeds allow for automated individual stock feeds to be sent to customers, or to be dropped into a specific directory. There are various uses for customer stock feeds, including:

emailing feeds to customers

updating websites

updating external branches (if branches are enabled)

updating additional companies.


The feed format used is a generic XML format.


Setup is via Jim2 Configuration Manager:

Open Jim2 Configuration Manager.

config on start

Select the related Jes instance, right click and select Configure, or go to Action > Configure on the ribbon.


Click Add and choose the StockFeedOut module.

Change the RunHourOfDay parameter to suit.

stockfeed out


Once set up, send automated feeds, including pricing and availability to customers.


customer stockfeed


To add a new feed, select the Customer Stock Feeds icon on the ribbon, then enter the following:





The cardfile of the customer to send the stock feed to. Pricing will be based on this, including customer-specific pricing.

Email From Address

Enter the email address the feed is to be sent from.

Email To Address

The email address from the cardfile to send the feed to.

Email Template

Choose an email template to base the feed email on.


The frequency required to send the feed. Select from Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

Stock Locations

The stock locations to use for stock on hand quantities.


Select the stock group, if required.

Inc Price

Tick to include pricing.


Choose whether to send via email, or from a specific directory.

Zip Password

The feed will be attached as a zip file. Specify a password to encrypt the zip file here, if desired.


Enter the directory where the feeds are to be placed if this is method being used. This is where Jim2 will take the feeds from to send to customers.

Next Feed Date

The next date a feed is due to occur.

Email Archive Rule

Choose which archive rule to run on sending.


Choose from:

List – will export any stock that is marked Price List and/or Price List & Web.

Web – will export any stock that is marked Web and/or Price List & Web.

List & Web – will export all stock that is not marked as Don't Publish.

Generate Now

Click Generate Now to send a feed immediately, or adjust the Next Feed Date as required..


save datafeeds


Check that emails have been sent by checking the System Sent email list.



Security can be set up to allow/disallow users to view customer stock feeds.


Further information


eBusiness Connect Framework

eBusiness Security

eBusiness and Stock

eBusiness and the Publish Price to Options

eBusiness Options

eBusiness Rules

eBusiness Suite

eBusiness Transactions

Manual Vendor Stock Feeds

Vendor Stock Feeds