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Each archive rule must specify what action (if any) is to be executed against an email once it has been archived.


With the exception of Delete email (without archiving) and Do not archive, the email is first written to an archive file, then the action will determine what is performed on the email within the database.


Archiving message contents is generally the best action to use, as it will leave the summary text of the email in place.


archive action


summary text

Summary area in the footer of the email preview pane


Following are explanations of the actions available when creating email rules:


Rule Action


Delete email (without archiving)

The email is deleted from the database and is not written to an archive file.

Archive email (without deleting)

The email is archived but not deleted from the database. This could be considered a backup.

Archive email

The email is archived, then deleted from the database.

Archive message contents

The email is archived, then its original text is set to null. The email's summary text remains.


email summary


This is the recommended action.

Archive attachments

The email is archived, then any attachments are deleted from the database.

Do not archive

The email will not be archived.


Further information

Email Archiving

Email Archive Rules:


Execution Order


By Object and By Report

Applying Archive Rules


How to

Email Archive – Setup Configuration

Create an Email Archiving Rule

Restore Archived Emails