By Object and By Report

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By Object tab

archive by object tab


The By Object tab allows determining if an email is related to a specific Jim2 object type. If the email is related to the specified object type, the condition returns True.


Example usage:

Identify all emails related to stock transfers.

Identify all emails not related to quotes, jobs, purchases.


The following Jim2 objects are supported:




Purchase Order


Return From Customer

Return To Vendor

Stock Adjustment

Stock Transfer



By Report tab

archive by report tab


The By Report tab allows determining if an email has a specific report attached. If the email has the specified report attached, the condition returns True.


Example usage:

identify all emails that have a statement report attached

identify all emails that have an invoice report attached.


All active reports in Jim2 are available for selection.


Further information

Email Archiving

Email Archive Rules:


Execution Order


Applying Archive Rules



How to

Email Archive – Setup Configuration

Create an Email Archiving Rule

Restore Archived Emails