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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Banking > Bank Deposits

Deposits into Unbanked Funds

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Payments being received that are outside the normal sales/debtor payment cycle are dealt with using the Deposit function (via Cheque Book). All sales/debtor payments move through unbanked funds, then you use banking sessions to move the money into your specified bank account. An example of this type of income would be a commission income.


Previously, a deposit moved straight through to Bank Reconciliation, bypassing bank deposits, therefore not being part of the banking session report.


If you choose to make a deposit into Unbanked Funds, it will appear in the banking list (just like a debtor payment), and will be picked up by your banking report.


unbanked header



You will see some letters underlined in the field names within the header, eg. Status. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump you to the field beside that heading.




Where you receive a dealer rebate or price protection, and you want to affect (lower) your COGS on stock, rather than record income use negative expense orders linked to purchase orders to lower COGS – then use Payment REFUND in the creditor record. We have included the option to refund into unbanked funds, to match the Deposit function.


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