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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Condition By Object Tab

archive by object tab


The Condition By Object tab allows you to determine if an email is related to a specific Jim2 object type. If the email is related to the specified object type, then the condition returns True.


Example usage:

Identify all emails related to stock transfers.

Identify all emails not related to quotes, jobs, purchases.


The following Jim2 objects are supported:


Return From Customer



Purchase Order


Stock Adjustment


Stock Transfer

Return To Vendor


Condition by Report Tab

archive by report tab


The Condition By Report tab allows you to determine if an email has a specific report attached. If the email has the specified report attached, then the condition returns true.


Example usage:

Identify all emails that have a statement report attached.

Identify all emails that have an invoice report attached.


All active reports in Jim2 are available for selection.


Further information: