Attach a Template to Contract

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The Action Wizard is designed to help you through the process of creating templates and assigning templates to contracts.


Templates can be made available to contracts via the following:

Contract System Type level – all contracts that fall under the Contract System Type (ie. Machine) will have access to templates associated at Contract System Type level.

Contract Type level – all contracts with the same Contract Type will have access to templates associated at Contract Type level.

Contract level – individual contracts can have templates directly associated.

As Required – using the Contract List Action Wizard, the list of filtered contracts can be associated to templates and do not need to have the same contract level or System Type level when template restrictions do not prevent it.


* Template restrictions may prevent some associations from being applied.




Once the Action Wizard has finished, click Refresh from the Quick Access toolbar to see the changes.




The wizard moves through a series of steps to configure the various associations between contract type, action and contract template.


hmtoggle_arrow1Add a template to a contract




To unlink a template (or a list of templates) using the Action Wizard:

1.Run a Contract List, and click Action Wizard.

unlink template

2.Select the relevant action and click next

consumable action1

3.Select the following option.

unlink template2

Click Next, then select the template to unlink.

unlink mps template

Click Next, then Finish.


Further information

Actions and Action Groups

Attach Template to Contract

Included Templates

Merge Templates

Delete Template

Template Rules

Template Security
