General Journal Details Grid

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This section explains the field headings in the General Journal details grid:




Acc. Code

General ledger account code.


The general ledger account name.

Depending on what tax calculation method is selected, it will vary as to which of the following value fields will appear. If the Tax Free Up (excluding GST) tax calculation is chosen, the Tax Free fields will only appear. If Tax Paid Down (including GST) tax calculation is chosen, only the Tax Paid fields will appear.

Debit Ex

Debit value tax free (excluding GST).

Debit Inc

Debit value tax paid (including GST).

Credit Ex

Credit value tax free (excluding GST).

Credit Inc

Credit value tax paid (including GST).



Right clicking in the grid provides the option of displaying and entering values as four decimal places, as well as being able to run an account inquiry.




Further information

General Journal Footer

General Journal Header

General Journal List

General Journal Reports

General Journals


How to

Add a General Journal

Add a Payroll General Journal

Create Similar or Recurring General Journals

Delete/Reverse a General Journal

Edit a General Journal

Import a General Journal

Provision for Long Service Leave