Email from Job List
This allows sending emails to a group based on products purchased, for example. See Bulk Email from a List for more information.
This will produce a job report for the first job in the list.
Job List – Backorder
This will produce a report for all jobs on back order.
Job List – By Customer
Produces a list of all jobs grouped by customer.
Job List – Cardfile Export (XML,CSV)
This will produce a spreadsheet of all cardfiles for all the jobs in the list. This information can be further filtered here.
Job List – Customer By Status
This will produce a report of all customer jobs based on their status.
Job List – email list
This will produce a spreadsheet with all customers in the list's name and email details.
Job List – Fault Desc
This will produce a report showing all fault descriptions on jobs.
Job List – Inv Desc
This will produce a report showing all invoice descriptions on jobs.
Job List – Job Labour Analysis
This will produce a spreadsheet with detailed information on actual and billed labour.
Job List – Job Profit
This will produce a report on job profit for all jobs in the list. This report can be further filtered here prior to previewing or printing:
This report will include all transactions including both cost and sell pricing. The text entered in the Report description field will appear in the header of the report.
Note: Job profit is only finalised when the stock sold on the PO is selected from a PO that is finished. Prior to this, the job profit is only estimating a cost. When a job is marked as Ready or is invoiced, Jim2 then uses FIFO to select the applicable cost of the stock. If the purchase orders Jim2 has used to calculate this are not finished, job profit will not be finalised until they are.
Job List – Job Profit by Job
Once filtered based on below, this will produce a report showing profit on each job in the list.
This report will also show actual and billable hours. The text entered in the Report description field will appear in the header of the report.
Note: Job profit is only finalised when the stock sold on the PO is selected from a PO that is finished. Prior to this, the job profit is only estimating a cost. When a job is marked as Ready or is invoiced, Jim2 then uses FIFO to select the applicable cost of the stock. If the purchase orders Jim2 has used to calculate this are not finished, job profit will not be finalised until they are.
Job List – Job Profit by Stock
This will produce a job profit report based on stock within the jobs. This report can be further filtered here prior to previewing or printing:
The text entered in the Report description field will appear in the header of the report.
Note: Job profit is only finalised when the stock sold on the PO is selected from a PO that is finished. Prior to this, the job profit is only estimating a cost. When a job is marked as Ready or is invoiced, Jim2 then uses FIFO to select the applicable cost of the stock. If the purchase orders Jim2 has used to calculate this are not finished, job profit will not be finalised until they are.
Job List – Machine Response Times
This will produce a report (for Managed Print Services purposes) detailing response times. This report can be further filtered here prior to previewing or printing, filtering to ignore labour and/or using a starting status:
Job List – Meter Charges Report
This will produce a report (for Managed Print Services purposes) detailing meter charges, including reads.
Job List – Meter Reading Report
This will produce a report (for Managed Print Services purposes) detailing current and previous meter reads.
Job List – Meter Reads (XLSX)
This will produce a report (for Managed Print Services purposes) detailing contract, asset, meter types, meter reads, etc.
Job List – Parts Spent
This will produce a detailed spreadsheet on quantity and cost of parts spent per job based on the Group By selection. This report can be further filtered here prior to previewing or printing:
Job List – Picking Slip
This will produce individual job picking slips for all jobs in the list that have the Pick box ticked.
The Picking Slip will also show weight, if it appears on the job.
Note: the following will not appear on picking slip reports:
▪Stock lines with zero picked/supplied quantity .
▪Stock of types Applies, Journal or Labour are never displayed, regardless of quantities.
▪Dialog with checkboxes allows the user to choose whether they want to show non depleting stock, or whether kit/packaging headers are to be displayed on the picking slip. (If yes, visual indicators are included to help identify what is a header and where the contents end.)
▪Checkbox to hide Packaging stock contents when Packaging header is being displayed. |
Job List – Required Stock for Jobs
This will produce a report showing all stock required for jobs. Filter the list further here by selecting a specific vendor and choosing to summarise stock, along with all locations.
Summarise stock will show one line for each stock object. If left unticked, the report will show each job the stock is used on.
Job List – Stock On Back order
This will produce a spreadsheet showing all stock on back order for all jobs.
Job Ticked Comm Only
If Inc is ticked in the Comment grid of a job, this report will show those comments on the job report.
Job Total By Customer
This will produce a report showing the total for all jobs by customer.
Job Total By Item
This will produce a report showing the total for all jobs by Item.
Job Total By Name
This will produce a report showing the total for all jobs by name (username chosen on the individual jobs).
Job Total By Type
This will produce a report showing the total for all jobs by job type.
Proforma Invoice
This will produce a proforma invoice.
Stock Sold By Customer and Stock Type
This will produce a report showing stock on jobs by customer.
Stock Sold By Name and Stock Type
This will produce a report showing stock type sold by name (username chosen on the job), as well as stock type.
Stock Sold By Stock Type
This will produce stock sold by stock type.