Project Reports

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Project List Reports

project list reports




Project List – Action Templates

This will produce a spreadsheet of all projects, listing all actions, source types, etc.

Project List – Card File Export

This will produce a spreadsheet of all cardfile information based on the filters below.


project list cf export

Project List – Cost Per Copy

This produces a report for all prepaid labour and blocks.

Project List – E-Meter Read Setup/Meter Listing/Meter Profit/Meters Jobs Details/Page Request Form/Page Request Test

These are all reports for Managed Print Services Edition.

Project List – eBusiness Transactions

Produces a spreadsheet listing all eBusiness transactions for the dates selected.



Project List – Email from Project List

This allows sending templated emails to a group of contacts from a Project list.


email from proj list

Project List – Project

This will produce a project report for each individual project in the list, after selecting one of the choices here:





Project List – Project Detailed

This will produce a fully detailed project report for each individual project in the list, after selection here:





Project List – Project Profit

After filtering, this will produce a spreadsheet detailing COGS, actual labour cost, sell price gross margin percentage and gross margin in dollars.


project profit

Project List – Service History by Month

After filtering, will produce a spreadsheet detailing all service visits, including hours for the date range specified.


service history


Project Reports

project reports





Will produce a printable report of the selected project, after making a selecting here:





Project Action Templates

This will produce a template listing all the Action templates associated with the selected project.

Project Detailed

This will produce a fully detailed printable report of the selected project, after making a selection here:





Project Profit

After filtering as per below, this will produce a printable report of the project's profit.


project profit1



Project Sticker

Will produce a printed sticker for the project.


project sticker

Project Service History

project service history


After selecting a date range, this will produce a detailed report of the project service history, including job and parts lists.


proj serv hist rep


Further information

Project Security

Managed Services Setup


Project Footer

Project Header

Project List

Project Reports

Project Templates

Prepaid Labour Reporting

Promotional Pricing

Workflow Example


How to

Add a Document to a Project

Add a Job to a Project

Add Recurring Managed Service Jobs

Create Similar Project

Job Profit Report Setup Requirements

Set up a Managed Service Project