Project Header

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Fields in the Header




Auto-generated by Jim2, but can be changed and can be alphanumeric as well.


The customer cardfile that charges are billed to.


Defaults to Booked (ie. is in use). It can also be set to Template if this project is used as a reference to set up other projects from.


The project type, ie. Managed Service.


The person responsible for this project.


Select the frequency of the billing, ie. Monthly.


The card code of the address for deliveries, or where technicians are assigned. As with normal Jim2 jobs, this is usually the same as the Cust# if the customer only has one address, but will change to match the actual site address for multi-site customers.


Method or prioritising the contact, ie. urgent, normal, etc.

Individual Request

Ticking this box will send individual requests for reads, otherwise a consolidate request will be sent per project. This setting normally is used for managed print services when obtaining meter reads, and may not be required in managed services environment.


The person who manages the project, usually the original salesperson.

On Day

Select a particular day of the month for which billing is due.


Choose the contract type, ie. Wholesale, etc.

Req Days/Hours

Enter the planned response time for service here.

Last Bill

This will show the last time the project was billed.


Date the contract commenced.

Price Rev.

Enter a date that the price needs to be reviewed.

Next Bill

Scheduled date for next billing. This will be automatically updated after the first billing, but change this date.

Cont. Out

Date the contract expires.

Avg Bills

This field will display how many billing cycles have been billed (usually only used for managed print services) an average meter read.


The Item this project is linked to. This determines related stock.


The description as entered on the Item.

Cust Ref

Enter a customer reference here. This could be a customer's standing purchase order number, or the customer's identification code for an asset at a large site. Enter NIL if this is not going to be used.

Use Promos

Tick if this project is to be used with promotional pricing.


The Asset number linked to this project.


Select report or non report group if applicable.


Comments can be entered here, ie. further instructions, etc.


Enter the original project number if this is a new project for an asset that has been returned, refurbished and put out under a new project.


Tick to allow for estimates to be made.


Further information

Project Security

Managed Services Setup


Project Footer

Project Header

Project List

Project Reports

Project Templates

Prepaid Labour Reporting

Promotional Pricing

Workflow Example


How to

Add a Document to a Project

Add a Job to a Project

Add Recurring Managed Service Jobs

Create Similar Project

Job Profit Report Setup Requirements

Set up a Managed Service Project