Promotion Type

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Promotion Type must be selected. It determines who or what the promotion applies to. Once selected, one or more promotion recipients can also be selected based on the Promotion Type selected.


promo type


Promotion Type




Promotion applies to everyone

This could be considered a general promotion that applies to all customers.


Promotion applies to one or more cardfiles

A customer-specific promotion. As this can be based on a start/end date, this is useful for pricing contracts and bids. A cardfile based promotion is also a useful and more flexible way to implement customer-specific pricing based on a pricing contract, rather than the traditional method of adding customer-specific pricing at stock level.


The only limitation here is that the price calculation method is Fixed Price only.



Note: When this type is selected, you have the option to load recipients from a cardfile list.




You can also clear the loaded recipients here.

CardFile Group

Promotion applies to all cardfiles in the selected Non Report or Region CardFile Groups

This type is useful in instances where it makes sense not to have to specify individual cardfiles or price levels. For example, a buying group or franchise, basing a promotion on a region, or even a promotion code.

Price Level

Promotion applies to all cardfiles with the selected price level(s)

A price level promotion is useful when creating a promotion that is applicable to, say, retail customers only. Another use case is with managed services/managed print services customers where a price based on the project's price level can be used.



Note: If a promotion price is set to lower than the calculated stock price, a warning will pop up to this effect.




If you do not wish to see this warning, there are two ways to do so.

1.Via Tools > Security on the ribbon, select the relevant Security Group, expand Jobs, then Stock on Jobs, and tick Allow to sell stock for less than minimal price.


2.On the stock code, set the minimum price to higher than other price rules.


Promotion applies to one or more selected project(s).

Use project-type promotions for supplying specific stock to a project at a specific price. For example, under a managed services/managed print services project for supplying a toner at a specific price.



Note: When this type is selected, there is a tick box setting that allows you to apply the promotion to all projects.



Note: When this type is selected, you have the option to load recipients from a cardfile list.




You can also clear the loaded recipients here.


Once the Promotion Type has been selected, the promotion recipients can then be selected.




As many recipients as required can be entered here by pressing Enter after each addition.


The data entered into promotion pricing recipients depends on the promotion type selected. If the promotion type is Everyone, no recipients are required.


Further information

Promotional Pricing Security

Example Usage of Promotional Pricing

Promotional Pricing Examples

Promotional Pricing List

Promotional Pricing Header

Promotional Pricing Order of Processing

Promotion Start and End Dates

Promotions in Use on Jobs and Quotes

Promotions on the Common Tabs

Stock Promotional Pricing

Adding, Importing Stock to a Promotion