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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

The Cost tab is located at the foot of the job screen.



The cost is only estimated until the job is invoiced, unless a PO is linked to a job and the PO is finished.


job cost tab


Selecting the Cost tab adds extra fields to thejob tab's expanded parts grid view. These extra fields relate to the cost price of goods and/or services and commission details (if using Commission Sessions). In the footer area the Tax $ and Total $ amounts are replaced with fields which show the total cost price and profit related to the job.


job cost field extras


The Cost tab's additional fields are explained below. See Purchase Details further below for information on the Vendor and Manual cost fields.



In Jim2, cost prices are always displayed to four decimal places. The amounts in these fields are always in the home currency.


Parts Grid


Est. Cost

The estimated cost for all of the goods and/or services used, excluding tax.

Cost Total $

The total cost for all of the goods and/or services used, excluding tax.

Markup %


Margin %

The difference between the cost price (purchase price) and its selling price, displayed as a percentage. Choice as set up in Tools >Options > Jobs.





Margin is sales minus the cost of goods sold. For example, if a product sells for $100 and costs $70 to manufacture, its margin is $30. Or, stated as a percentage, the margin percentage is 30% (calculated as the margin divided by sales).


Markup is the amount by which the cost of a product is increased in order to derive the selling price. For example, a markup of $30 from $70 yields a selling price of $100. Or, stated as a percentage, the markup percentage is 42.9% (calculated as the markup amount divided by the product cost).


The total cost of one or multiple units of a specific stock or service, excluding tax.

The columns below will only appear if Commission Sessions have been enabled in Options.

Comm Floor

Used when calculating commission based on profit. If a commission floor cost is entered, profit calculations will use this value rather than the actual cost. For example, cost $1,000, actual cost $945, profit based on $1,000 floor cost.

Comm %

Percent of commission to be paid, depending on commission method: price inc, price ex, or profit.

Comm Extra

A flat dollar amount paid per stock sold. For example, $100 for every XYZ sold.

Note: All three commission components can be combined. For example 10% commission of profit based on floor cost plus an extra $10.


Purchase Details

Purchase details are either manually added to a job, automatically added, or updated via a promotion.


purchase details


The purchase details are used when creating a purchase order using the Auto Create PO function, and allow for pre-setting both the preferred vendor and cost (buy price). The cost value is also used for calculating the job profit figures. When a job is invoiced, the actual cost values are used.


The purchase details show the source of the details (promotion, manually entered, etc.) and the source reference. The cost price is colour coded to indicate the source, and hovering your cursor over the coloured cell will display the details.


Purchase Source



Manually Entered


Cost price has been manually entered.



Cost price based on a promotion.


Purchase details can flow through the entire sale process as follows:

Added to a quote when quoting the customer and sourcing buy details from your vendor.

Added to a job once the quote is accepted by the customer using Create Job (in the footer).

Added to the purchase order from the job via Auto Create PO (right click in the grid).


Commission Details

Commission details are either manually added to a job or automatically added or updated via a promotion. These fields will only show if Commission Sessions have been enabled in Options.


commission details


The values that make up commission details are:




Comm Floor

If entered, this is the cost (in the home currency) that commission calculations will be based on.

Comm %

The percent of commission to paid based on the commission calculation method used.

Comm Extra

This is an additional amount (in the home currency) or a flat $ figure that will be paid as commission.


The commission details allow for pre-setting the commission values to use in a Commission Session, and are entirely optional.


The commission details show the source of the details (promotion, manually entered, etc.) and the source reference. The commission details are colour coded to indicate the source, and hovering your cursor over the cell will display the details.


Purchase Source



Manually Entered


Commission details have been manually entered .



Commission details are based on a promotion.



Commission details come from the stock record.

Commission Session


Commission details come from a commission session.


Commission Details can flow through the entire sale process as follows:

Added to a quote when quoting the customer.

Added to a job once the quote is accepted by the customer using Create Job (bottom left of screen).

Used in Commission Sessions when the job is invoiced.


Within the stock grid, you can search all columns and rows by selecting Ctrl+S. This will bring up the Locate value screen, where you can select which field to search, enter the text to search for in the Value field.


locate value screen


Further information:

Documents Tab

Invoice Details Tab

Job Footer

Job Tab

Labour Tab

Linked Jobs/Quotes Tab

Promotional Pricing Tab

Stats Tab

Tasks Tab