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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Stock > Kitting

Use Kits In Jobs

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You can add kits to jobs just like any other stock. You will notice that Jim2 encloses blue lines around the items included in the bundle.


view kit job


To add extra stock to the bundle, do this by adding a new line to your sales lines.


add new stock to kit


Then select the grey area to the left of the line # and drag the new line up between the kit blue lines. This will enclose it within your kit bundle.


drag stock to kit


To swap stock in your bundle kit, delete the stock code that you want to swap. Then enter the new stock, and tab forward for the new descriptions and prices to refresh.



You can collapse and expand your kit by double clicking on the line number, then double click to expand the kit again.


collapse kit



The quantity of components within a kit must be divisible by the quantity in the kit header.


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