On the ribbon, go to Jobs > Add Job.
Select a customer in one of the following ways:
▪Start to enter the customer name, Jim2's intuitive type will begin to pre-empt the choice of names from the card code list information is entered.
▪Click the ellipsis [...] beside the Cust# field to display the full list of customers, then choose from the list.
▪Enter a customer reference (for example, name of the person who requested the job) in the Customer Ref# field.
This alpha/numeric reference should be supplied by the customer so that they can match this job with their own internal procedures, personnel, purchase orders or work orders. If multiple jobs are required for the same reference number (work order), run a Job List using this reference number to monitor the progress of the work order.
Some letters in the field names within the header are underlined, eg. Cust#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump to the field beside that heading.
Within the Item# field, enter the Item code.
Move to the stock grid and, using the ellipsis [...], select the stock for the job, along with the quantities required.
The far left column in the stock grid background colour will change if you select Stock availability by right clicking in the field.
Green = stock is available
Red = there is no stock available
Orange = some stock is available, but not all
Sorting, searching and grouping are available as per other lists in Jim2. Select the column header in the grid, then drag it to the Group By area to group.
The stock grid area can be expanded by clicking and dragging the horizontal dots up and down. Double clicking the dots will hide the stock grid completely. Double click again to show.
Whilst this shows an expense order, the process is the same for all objects