Jim2 Upgrade Fails

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File is being used by another process

If an error similar to the following appears, this indicates that there is a process that has one of the Jim2 files locked.


upgrade error


This can be due to one of the Jim2 programs running, such as Jim2, Jim2 Server, Jim2 Configuration Manager, Jim2 Server Console, Jim2DBUpdate etc.


If this is the case, exit these applications. It also possible that some other application, such as a virus scanner, has the file locked.



If remote access is being used, the process can be running on another user's session. The application could also be running on a different computer if running Jim2 in a networked environment.


Jim2Server service is not running

This error can happen if the JimDBUpdate program is unable to start Jim2 Server.


Refer to Jim2Server service does not start for resolution.


Further Information

Backup Failure

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