Database Size Maintenance

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If Jim2 provides an error report along the lines of Could not allocate space for object, or similar. This is because the Documents and Emails database is full.


The size of the database files can easily be checked:


On the ribbon, go to Management > Reports > System > DB Statistics.




The database will grow due to transactions, documents, reports and emails. The primary culprit will be email and, for this reason, there are a few things to consider:

Hardware capacity – for the databases, the Jim2 programs and the backup files. This probably requires a conversation with the company's IT team.

Email maintenancedeleting and purging emails that aren't required, archiving the emails or leaving all alone where the hardware capacity, RAM and processor facilities are suitable.


With email maintenance, normal deleting/purging of emails should be encouraged. Periodic clean out of sent purchase order emails and emails that are not associated with an object group (ie. not related to a job, quote or purchase order) is recommended. Purging emails results in the complete deletion of the email, and will be subject to security.


Additionally, Jim2 email is subject to archive rules, allowing archiving emails away from the Jim2 database and also restoring them.


Please follow these links for information on email archiving and managing the database:

Email archiving

Managing database size


Further Information

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