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Navigation: Managed Print Services Edition

Create a Non Billing Template

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Following is the basic process of creating an MPS non billing template which can be used to assign to machine contracts. This example will Create Similar (for freight charges) based on an existing auto-created template.


You will notice in the bottom right of a machine list there is an Action Wizard button. This allows you to apply templates to a group of machines.


Run a filtered Machine List that allows you to list only the machines in question. This is often best done via a Machine Non-Report Group. It can also be done by customer, customer group, etc. (Any filter that brings up the correct machines in the list.)


For example, machines that are within a 50km radius are to have a higher freight charge than normal, and will require the correct amount to be put on the consumable job when created.

1.Create a Non-Report Group named 50km.

2.Tag customer (or machines) to the 50km Non-Report Group.

50k group


You will see some letters underlined in the field names within the header, eg. Cust#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump you to the field beside that heading.

3.Create a list using the Advanced List Machine Grps filter:

machine group

4.Run the Action Wizard (bottom right) from the list, and create a new consumable template to be applied to all machines in the list. Select Consumable Action, then click Next.

consumable action

5.Select Change so that a different template is used in place of an existing template, then Next.

change consumable action

6.Select the Action template to be replaced for these machines, then Next.

select template to change

7.Select Create a new template, then Next.

specify template to use1

8.Select Include an existing shared template, then click Select Template and choose the template you require.

include existing shared template

9.Select stock lines, then Create New.

template includes

10.You will now see the new template that can be edited to your requirements by selecting Change Template (bottom right). In the image below, you will see the template name has been updated, and freight stock with price configured on the template.

updated non billing template

11.Click Save.

50km template

12.Click Next on the confirmation screen, and you're done.

Further information:

Managed Print Services Edition



Machine Footer

Machine Header

Machine Lists

Machine Reports

Meter Overview

Meter Reading Options


3 Tier Colour Coverage Billing

3 Tier Colour Coverage Reads Billed with Total Colour Rate

3 Tier Colour Coverage Reads Min Volume on Colour Total

Add Manual Meter Readings

Add or Remove a Child from a Master

Advanced Meter Examples

Base Charge and Minimum

Base Charge and Base Rate

Bill a Master Machine

Billing Exact Amount Using a Balancing Meter

Billing Using Prepaid Blocks

Billing Using Expiring Prepaid Blocks

Black A3 and Black A4 Meter with Minimum Volume Over the Two Meters

Black A3 and Separate A4 Meter


Clawback Meters

Create a Machine Contract

Estimate Meter Reads

Fix Incorrect Meter Read

Machine Serviced by 3rd Party

Machine Serviced by 3rd Party with Base Charge

Machine Serviced by 3rd Party with Minimum Charge

Machine Serviced by 3rd Party with Minimum Volume Charge

Machine with Total Meter

Manage Invoicing Multiple Masters

Minimum Dollar Amount

Minimum Dollar Amount for Black Only

Minimum Volume for Black

PMP Plan Meter Setup

Prepaid Pages

Produce a Summary Invoice

Recommended Reports

Refurbish Machines Using Special Stock and Sales Kit

Refurbish Machines Using Special Stock and Manufacturing

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Replace a Machine Part

Service and Finance Split Billed as Single Amount

Set up a Master Machine

Set up and Use Text Email Request


Set up and Use Web Meter Reads

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Set up Machine with Price Break Point

Set up Master with Average Billing

Set up Master with Clawback All Unders at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback all Unders at Historical Rate

Set up Master with Clawback All Unders Overs at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback Open Unders and Overs at Current Rate

Set up Master with Clawback Open Unders at Current Rate

Set up Master with Meters with Different Periodicities

Set up Master with Multiple Black with A3 and A4 Meter and Min Volume

Set up Master with Multiple Child Machines

Set up Master with Multiple Children and Minimum Volume

Set up Master with Multiple Children with Different Black Rate

Set up Master or Standalone with Free Pages

Set up Master or Standalone with Prepaid Pages

Set up QR Code

Simple Meter Examples

Skip Billing

Split Billing 2nd Party

Split Meter Setups

Terminate a Contract

Unders and Overs Meter Setup