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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Banking > Cheque Book

Other Cheque Book Transactions

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The other types of transactions which flow through the cheque book, but are not added through this function, are:

Bank Fees

Bank Interest

Creditor Payments

Creditor Refunds

Debtors Refunds


Even though the transactions were not added or edited through the cheque book function, you will need to use the cheque book to cancel any of these transactions. Of course, if the transaction is a creditor payment you will need to unallocate the payment from any purchases prior to being able to cancel it.


If the transaction is a bank fee or bank interest, these transactions are entered through the Bank Reconciliation screen, and when added they will default to being reconciled. You will not be able to cancel a bank fee or interest entry if they are partly or completely reconciled.


The cheque book list has a Search field for all these types of transactions for filtering purposes.


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