Change Sticker Report Size

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On the ribbon, go to Tools > Report Designer.



System reports should never be modified – make a copy of the existing system report and make changes to that copy. This ensures that reports don't become broken during upgrades. A warning will pop to screen that system reports cannot be edited.




Go to the Stock folder, select the Stock sub-folder, highlight the Stock Price Sticker (Default) and select Copy from Existing.




The report should be copied and renamed before opening in Report Editor. Go to File > Page Setup, then go to the Paper Size tab. Here the sticker size can be adjusted as required.





It is important to not delete fields/objects within reports – select the field, right click and untick Visible or colour the information white.




How to

Add a Signable Report for Jim2 Mobile

Add Logo to Stick Report

Add Text to Reports

Display Company Logo In Reports

Export a Report

Import a Report

Locate Reports to Export

Make a Report Inactive

Open a Report for Redesign

Set up Back of Page Text on Invoice


For more detailed information regarding Report Designer please refer to (copy and paste into a web browser).