Return List

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The Return From Customer list provides a powerful search facility within Jim2.



The list can collate information from returns, stock, customer, dates and status records, as well as archived data.




Sorting, searching and grouping are available as per other lists in Jim2. Select the column header in the grid, then drag it to the Group By area to group.





Some letters in the field names within the header are underlined, eg. Cust#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump to the field beside that heading.


In this list, select the following fields and combinations of fields to generate a return list:





Return number. This number is auto populated by Jim2 and cannot be edited.


The customer card code within Jim2.


The status of the return.


The invoice number, if it is a strict return.


Type of return which has been previously set up in RFC Types.



Card Group

Choose a cardfile group to help narrow down the search.


You can link a non-strict return/debtor PO to a project, allowing you to report those costs in the Project profit report. Enter a project number (possibly named Contract) to bring up RFCs related to that project.



Note: This only relates to non strict returns.


Enter a master project/contract number to bring up RFCs related to that master and child projects.


Select branch, if branches are enabled.


Select sub branch, if sub-branches are enabled.

GL Dept

Select which GL Department.

Date In >

The date in after the date entered here.

Date In <

The date in before the date entered here.

Date Out >

The date out after the date entered here.

Date Out <

The date out before the date entered here.


Enter a stock code to narrow the search to one stock code.


The stock group. On the right-hand side of the Groups selection field is the wording OR after the ellipsis [...]. Clicking this will change it to &. This allows refining of the list using a selection of one or more groups. For example, to include returns belonging to one group as well as another group, use the & option.


Select attributes (if applicable).


Add a return from customer.


Edit an existing return from customer.


View an existing return from customer – the option to edit the RFC is available once View has been selected.


This will run the lists and any filters selected.


This will cancel and close the list.

Show Total

When selected, this will display the dollar value of the RFC's in the list.


Once the search has been refined, to view or edit any of the returns within the list, double click on any of the fields relating to the return to be displayed (or position the cursor in the field and use F2). As with most lists in Jim2, the list can be named and pinned according to the criteria selected.


Jim2 intuitive type functionality allows running a quick search through the list. Search through any field within the list by selecting any cell within the relevant column and beginning to type the search text, eg. position the cursor in a field in the Name or InvNo field. If the column contains a record that matches or partially matches the text being entered, the focus will shift to the matching cell. When the first record is located, continue searching. To search forward and backward, use the Ctrl+Down Arrow and Ctrl+Up Arrow keys respectively.


Right click in the grid and select Show Find Panel. This will bring up a Find field at the top of the list where information can be entered to search for.




Further Information

Return from Customer

Return from Customer Security

Return from Customer Entries

Return Footer

Return Header

Return from Customer Status

Return Stock Grid

Return from Customer Reports


How to

Add a Return from Customer

Add a Return From Customer Against Multiple Jobs

Return a Package From a Customer

Unprint a Return from Customer

View or Edit a Return from Customer