Jim2 Terminology

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CardFiles are electronic records of the entities that the company deals with, allowing for storage of address, contact and payment term details within Jim2. See the CardFiles topic for full details.




Customer CardFile

An electronic record of an entity that the company invoices for sales and/or work carried out. If a cardfile is not a customer cardfile, the entity cannot be invoiced. A cardfile can be both a customer and a vendor.

Vendor CardFile

An entity supplying goods/services to the business.

Ship CardFile

An address that staff attend or ship to when completing work. A Ship card typically has a parent cardfile, which is the entity that is invoiced for the work, however Ship cards can also be invoiced if necessary – in which case, Customer should also be ticked and active.

User CardFile

The cardfile record of a Jim2 user (employee).

CardFile Contacts

Names and contact details of employees of a business within a cardfile. This can also include contractors and sub-contractors, if necessary.



Groups are used throughout Jim2 to provide relationships between cardfiles, stock codes, Items, projects, documents, for reporting and searching purposes.


See Groups for more information.


Stock codes

Stock codes represent parts, services and fees, including labour. These can be configured to be purchased, invoiced or both, and can have comprehensive descriptions.


See Stock for more information.



This is a form of bundling stock codes to allow assembly and combination of stock codes. Allows users to hide stock on a job from a customer invoice, and can have comprehensive descriptions.


See Kitting for more information. This will only be available for those licensed to use the Kitting feature.



Provides an estimate for goods/services to a customer. Quotes can be used to store information for future use, and can also be scheduled (if using the Scheduling feature).


See Quotes for more information.



This is the process of supplying goods, services or fees to be invoiced to customers. Jobs can be used to track time, tasks, income and costs, and can also be scheduled (if using the Scheduling feature).


See Jobs for more information.



Used to batch jobs together for reporting and automation. Projects can be used to automate recurring billing and work, and can also be used to generate one-off jobs. They can be combined into groups of more than one project for reporting purposes.


A project may have a type, allowing differentiation of projects.



1.A project may represent a specific serialised pump, which can then have jobs linked to it.

2.A major works project requiring numerous jobs over an extended period.

3.An agreement with a customer to provide periodic preventative maintenance with the Project functionality automatically creating the required jobs.


This will only be accessible for those licensed to use Managed Services or Managed Print Services Editions.



An Item is the prime objective of a job, quote and project, and is used for three purposes:

1.To display the actual article that is being serviced or repaired (eg. specific make and model).

2.To display the type (or category) of work being carried out (eg. onsite, rework).

3.To store a bill of materials for products that are manufactured.


See the Items topic for more information.


Purchase order

A purchase order is used to authorise a vendor to provide parts, labour or services and is used to calculate inventory asset value, cost of goods and expenses.


See Purchases and Expenses for more information.


Throughout this Help file the term Jim2 object or function relates to the items on the ribbon, eg. CardFile, Jobs, Purchases, Items, etc.


If the word Item appears in upper case, it is not a general term – it refers to Jim2 Items only.


Further information

Accounting Terminology

Business Terminology