Jim2Cloud Setup and Access for MAC OS

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Launch the App Store on your Mac, search and download Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 from the App Store, then install.



Please ensure you download Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 – Remote Desktop 8 is not supported.




Place a shortcut directly on the desktop, or add the app to the Dock for easy access.


Launch the app, then click on Add Workspace.


Enter the following URL: https://Jim2Cloud/RDWeb/Feed/webfeed.aspx and select Add Workspace.


The following screen will appear:


add url


Select Add User Account in the User account area above. Enter the Jim2Cloud username and password you have been provided.


add user account


Your username and password will be stored under Preferences, where you can add, edit or delete user accounts.


Click Save, then the following screen will appear.


j2 remote app mac


You can store your username and password under Preferences, where you can add, edit or delete user accounts. This will allow for automatic login to the remote desktop.


manage users


Click Save, then the following screen will appear.


j2 remote app



If you minimise Jim2Cloud for a lengthy period, it will freeze when you maximise it. This is unfortunately because the Remote Application tries to reconnect. Should this occur, call Happen Support 1300 005 462 to have your session reset.


Before launching Jim2Cloud, create a folder on the desktop for saving files from Jim2Cloud to the local file system.


On the ribbon at the top go to Preferences.


remote preferences


Go to the General tab and enter the folder created above. In this instance, the folder created is Jim2. See below for further information on using the folder.


folder redirection


Double click Jim2Cloud work resource to launch Jim2Cloud. The familiar Jim2 Logon screen will appear. Enter the Jim2 initials/username and password, or the sys details provided by the Happen Business Implementation Team.



If the app has been minimised, click the reverse arrows in the top right hand corner of the screen and Jim2Cloud will appear again.


Return to Jim2


To add a document from the folder created on the desktop, when adding a document, click the ellipsis [...] and browse to the computer:


remote folder


Locate the folder created on the desktop. It will appear as a drive.


It is recommended to enter the system preferences on the Mac, go to Energy Saver and select Prevent Computer from Sleeping Automatically when Display is Turned Off. This will ensure that you are not disconnected to Jim2Cloud.


If you are experiencing issues with connections, in the Microsoft Remote Desktop, go to Preferences and turn off Use hardware acceleration where possible.


Further information

Jim2Cloud Technical Requirements

Jim2 Cloud Status

Jim2Cloud Setup and Access for PC

Jim2Cloud Access for Android

Jim2.Client Access for iOS

Jim2Cloud FAQ

Jim2 Cloud Local Region Setting

Error Messages

Error Opening PDF Files

Add a Document to Link to On Premises Document

Add a Document Within Jim2Cloud

Change Password in Jim2Cloud

Import Files from Your PC to Jim2Cloud

Open or Save Files from Jim2Cloud

Set up Jim2 Mobile for Jim2Cloud

Set up Printer for Jim2Cloud

Tyro EFTPOS Integration in Jim2Cloud