Jim2Cloud Setup and Access for PC

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Download the Jim2Cloud Remote App Client for PC latest build from https://files.happen.biz/downloads/Jim2Cloud/CloudClientSetup.msi (copy and paste into a web browser).


Once the Jim2Cloud Client Setup file has been downloaded, double click to run the Setup Wizard.


Cloud Setup1


The Jim2Cloud Client will be saved to the Program Files directory, and a shortcut will be added to the start menu and the desktop.


cloud setup 2


Click Next.


Cloud Setup3


Click Install.


Cloud Setup4


The Jim2Cloud Client will install on the computer. Click Finish to exit the Wizard.


Cloud Setup5


The Jim2Cloud Client shortcut will now be on the desktop.


Cloud Client Desktop


Double click the Jim2Cloud Client on the desktop. The following will open to log on:


change password cloud



Click the key symbol to change the password.


To save logon and/or password details, go to Settings and tick the appropriate option appropriate.


save credentials


Enter the username and password supplied by Happen Business, and the following will open to start Jim2:


start jim2 cloud (1)


Double click the Jim2Cloud icon to launch Jim2. The familiar Jim2 Logon screen will appear. Enter the Jim2 initials/username and password, or the sys details provided by the Happen Business Implementation Team.


The Jim2Cloud Client is fully portable. It can be copied to a USB and run as required from any computer.


Further information

Jim2Cloud Technical Requirements

Jim2 Cloud Status

Jim2Cloud Setup and Access for MAC

Jim2Cloud Access for Android

Jim2.Client Access for iOS

Jim2Cloud FAQ

Jim2 Cloud Local Region Setting

Error Messages

Error Opening PDF Files

Add a Document to Link to On Premises Document

Add a Document Within Jim2Cloud

Change Password in Jim2Cloud

Import Files from Your PC to Jim2Cloud

Open or Save Files from Jim2Cloud

Set up Jim2 Mobile for Jim2Cloud

Set up Printer for Jim2Cloud

Tyro EFTPOS Integration in Jim2Cloud

Windows Cached Credentials