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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Jobs > Invoicing

Reprint POS Invoices

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Any invoice created at any workstation can be easily reprinted/faxed/emailed either via the Job form itself or via the Sales Register.


Although retail or POS invoices are typically printed to the docket printer and will be in a 76mm or 80mm format, if a customer requests a copy invoice it may be reprinted using the following:

Select the invoice either via the sales register or a job list.

Select the ellipsis [...] beside the invoice number.

browse invoice icon

From the print invoice screen, choose invoice report form Selected.

Using the drop-down list for Selected, choose an appropriate layout for the reprint.

Choose to either print (to an A4 network printer), fax or email.

Click OK.

reprint invoice1


Similarly, if a customer requests that a Retail POS invoice (76mm or 80mm) be reissued with different details, you will need to:

Unprint the original invoice.

Open the associated sales job and make un-ready to allow editing.

unread job

Change the required details (such as the Cust#, From# and Ship#)

Invoice the job again.



If a Retail POS invoice that you unprint and change the customer details on has had a payment processed and applied to it, you will need to either reverse the payment, or move it to the correct debtor account using Debtor Adjustments.


Further information: