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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

At the top of the Nav Tree is an entry field for searching within Jim2.


Search Bar


There are three modes for using this search function:

a global search

a selective mode to search in more specific areas of Jim2;

a shortcut mode to quickly search in only one area at a time.


Performing a Selective Search

To use selective search, choose the Icon - Expand Jim2 Search icon in the search bar at the top of the Nav Tree. The Search area will extend vertically to display as follows.


new search layout


CardFile and Stock are displayed by default, but you can choose any combination of objects. As you can see in the image below, you can narrow your search down very specifically. Make your choices, then click OK. Enter text into the Search field and select the Icon - Search (Magnifying Glass) icon to perform the search.


search bar layout


The results of the search will appear below the Search field in the search results area.


search results


If you need more room to view the results clearly, select the Icon - Collapse Jim2 Search icon at the top, which will collapse the selective mode area and increase the size of the results area.



If your security level prevents you from accessing certain areas of Jim2 (eg. you might not have access to Accounts), those tick boxes will not appear in the list.


Search by Using Shortcuts

If you only need to search within one area of Jim2, eg. in CardFiles, you may find it easier to use a shortcut in the Search field. For example, to find all card files in the name of Jones, simply type c:jones. Jim2 will expand the c to CardFile: and then search for jones.



Search within Jim2 is not case sensitive.


The results of the search will be displayed in the search results field.


search cf


The results will then show any card file with Jones in it. Here's an example where we've searched for a purchase:


shortcut search example


The full list of shortcuts is shown here.



Expands to

Area that is searched in



Stock adjustments









Items or whatever name you use for Items





Job:, Sale:, etc.

Jobs, Sales or whatever name you use for Jobs





Project:, Machine:, etc.

Projects, Machines or whatever name you use for Projects





Quote:, Lead:, etc.

Quotes, Leads or whatever name you use for Quotes



Returns from customers



Returns to vendors






Serial numbers. You can enter either a full serial number, or part of one and Jim2 will return all stock codes with any of those numbers.






Vendor stock



If you prefer, you can use the text from the Expands to column.


Global Search

Within the Search field, you can simply begin typing, select the magnifying glass and Jim2 will display anything that matches the letters you have typed. You may see the same thing in the Nav Tree a few times. This is because Jim2 will return everything that matches what you have typed.



Global search means you are searching the entire database, which is the slowest way to search in Jim2, and will bring back more results.


global search


global search1


Wild Card Search

If you know a part of what you're looking for, in the Search panel above the Nav Tree you can use the wildcard (%) search, ie. CAR%ON. This will bring back a list of anything that has the characters CAR and ON (other than the %).




Intuitive Type

Throughout Jim2 the use of intuitive type is quite prominent. Intuitive text is used where a keystroke results in a prediction for a word or sequence of words to be displayed. You can simply place your cursor in any field in a list/object and begin typing. Jim2 will highlight anything within the list that uses the letters you enter. In this image, we began typing Bri,


predictive in list


Click Ctrl+Down Arrow to find the next matching in the list.


Search Ribbon

You can search the entire ribbon via the Search Ribbon icon in the quick access toolbar. Simply click in the field and begin typing. Jim2 will bring up anything in the ribbon that matches the letters you have typed, allowing for quick access to the ribbon object you are after.


search ribbon


Search Using the Find Panel

Right click anywhere within a list or within an object to bring up the menu and click Show Find Panel.


show hide find


Once selected, the Find panel will be displayed at the top of the list or object.


search list



The Find panel will remain in a pinned list, but will disappear from an unpinned list on log off/on.


Enter a search value, and the list will dynamically update to show only the list objects that match.


search list1


Enter a search value within an object and this will bring up any match, including from within the Comment grid of that object.


search object


This is great for quickly finding things such as a specific job based on its Item description (or fault description) within a large list of jobs.


Further information:


Navigation Tree


Jim2 Quick Access Toolbar

Jim2 icon

Explanation of Colours

Search by Attribute

Search within Lists