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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Multicurrency > Stock

Return to Vendor

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Return to Vendor transactions are always conducted at the specific currency of the original purchase order.



A very specific exception has been included for use in Multicurrency. Existing Jim2 databases upgrading to Multicurrency will have recorded all purchase transactions, including opening balance purchase orders, in AUD.


Because the need may exist to return to vendor historic purchases in a foreign currency, Jim2 will allow you to do an RTV against any AUD purchase using a foreign currency.


RTV currency



You will see some letters underlined in the field names within the header, eg. Vend#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump you to the field beside that heading.


The price and rate (defaulted from the original PO) on a return to vendor can be edited to suit your needs.


If a foreign currency exchange rate change has occurred between the original purchase rate and the return to vendor rate, Jim2 will calculate the gain/loss and automatically post it to the Realised Gains/Losses account on applying the credit. Any difference in stock value will be credited to the linked stock adjustments account.



Finishing a return to vendor creates a creditor credit. Because this is a payment transaction, the gain or loss is realised. Applying the RTV credit to an outstanding creditor invoice is not affected by currency fluctuation or revaluation.


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