Creditor (vendor) and debtor (customer) lists are the same under Multicurrency with the exception that:
▪The amount owing/owed is shown in the home currency (AUD) and the foreign currency.
▪When an account has balances in more than one currency, it will show as a separate line in the list for each currency.
In both Creditors and Debtors, Jim2 treats outstanding invoices in differing currencies as individual debtors, and a separate statement will be produced for each currency. |
You will see some letters underlined in the field names within the header, eg. Vend#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump you to the field beside that heading. |
You can group the debtor/creditor list by currency using the drag column header function
If you run a debtor/creditor list for all (including foreign currency), the total in the footer of the Total column may not make sense as it is the total of all currencies. |
You can create a debtor/creditor list in a specific currency by selecting a currency code.
Further information: