Add a Retail Item

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On the ribbon, go to Items and create a new Item called POS for template POS Jobs, mainly so its easy to distinguish between retail sales and other types of Jobs. You can also hide the Comment grid if you wish.


POS Item


In this Item, you can also add stock, if desired. For instance, you may wish to have the user ask a customer if they would like a particular item (ie. upselling, etc.). You can create a stock code and add this to the Item, which will then appear in the job.


The same applies to using Watchouts. You could add a Watchout to tell the user to try and upsell to the customer.


Further information

Options and Setups

Set up Tyro EFTPOS


Add a Retail Item

Settings to Speed up Invoicing

Use Retail Jobs

Create a Manual Payment for EFTPOS

Cash drawer Control

Cash Refunds

Cash Rounding

Invoice Authentication Security

Invoice Name on Job

Quick Logon Mode

Quick Start

Receipt Printing Reports

Reprint POS Invoices

Recording Debtor Payments

Scan Stock into Jobs

Till Reconciliation