Reprint POS Invoices

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Any invoice created at any workstation can be easily reprinted/faxed/emailed either via the job form itself or via the Sales Register.


Although retail or POS invoices are typically printed to the docket printer and will be in a 76mm or 80mm format, if a customer requests a copy invoice it may be reprinted using the following:

Select the invoice either via the sales register or an invoiced Job List.

Click the ellipsis [...] beside the invoice number.

browse invoice icon

From the print invoice screen, click the Selected radio button.

Using the dropdown list for Selected, choose an appropriate layout for the reprint.

Choose to either print (to an A4 network printer), fax or email.

Click OK.

reprint invoice1


If a customer requests that a Retail POS invoice (76mm or 80mm) be reissued with different details:

Unprint the original invoice.

Open the associated sales job and make un-ready to allow editing.

unread job

Change the required details (such as the Cust#, From# and Ship#)

Invoice the job again.



If a payment has been processed and applied to a retail invoice that is unprinted and customer details changed, either reverse the payment or move it to the correct debtor account using Debtor Adjustments.


Further information

Options and Setups

Set up Tyro EFTPOS


Add a Retail Item

Settings to Speed up Invoicing

Use Retail Jobs

Create a Manual Payment for EFTPOS

Cash drawer Control

Cash Refunds

Cash Rounding

Invoice Authentication Security

Invoice Name on Job

Quick Logon Mode

Quick Start

Receipt Printing Reports

Reprint POS Invoices

Recording Debtor Payments

Scan Stock into Jobs

Till Reconciliation