Quick Logon Mode

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There may be times when users regularly change on the POS workstation.


Logging on or changing users loads the user's options and security settings, rather than reconnecting to the database, making changing users much faster.


quick log


By allowing use of the space bar instead of the Tab key to move between the Initials and Password fields in the Jim2 Logon screen, the logon is quite speedy. The Tab key can still be used to move between fields.




This makes the Logon screen behave in the same way as invoice authentication.


Further information

Options and Setups

Set up Tyro EFTPOS


Add a Retail Item

Settings to Speed up Invoicing

Use Retail Jobs

Create a Manual Payment for EFTPOS

Cash drawer Control

Cash Refunds

Cash Rounding

Invoice Authentication Security

Invoice Name on Job

Quick Logon Mode

Quick Start

Receipt Printing Reports

Reprint POS Invoices

Recording Debtor Payments

Scan Stock into Jobs

Till Reconciliation