Jim2Commerce Affiliates

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Affiliate marketing is an internet-based marketing practice in which affiliates are rewarded for the website traffic generated (each visitor or customer). It is a web-based pay-for-performance program designed to compensate affiliate partners for driving qualified leads or sales from their websites to the merchant's website.


Affiliates are third parties who refer customers to your site. Jim2Commerce can track those referrals so the store administrator can determine the commission to be paid to affiliates. Once a customer is assigned an affiliate ID, every order they place will also be tagged with that ID.


In Jim2Commerce, an affiliate partner link looks similar to this: http://www.yourstore.com/?AffiliateID=N (where N is an affiliate ID).


A store owner can also specify the friendly URL name field for marketing purposes: http://www.yourstore.com/?affiliate=your_friendly_name_here. This URL is displayed when you visit the affiliate details page. Whenever this hyperlink is clicked on the affiliate site, Jim2Commerce looks for an affiliate ID query string parameter.




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Further information

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