Stock – Embroidery Setup

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The following explains how to set up apparel products that include embroidery items assigned to them, and different artwork linked to multiple customers.




hmtoggle_arrow1Create a stock code


hmtoggle_arrow1Create embroidery stock code


hmtoggle_arrow1Contract pricing


hmtoggle_arrow1Extra embroideries


hmtoggle_arrow1Embroideries for different customers


hmtoggle_arrow1Item setup


hmtoggle_arrow1Assign embroideries to Item


hmtoggle_arrow1Jim2Commerce sync


hmtoggle_arrow1Product Presentation


hmtoggle_arrow1Create similar Item


Further information


Bulk Ordering

Contact Us Maps Setup

Content Management

Customer Specific Catalogues

Internal User Setup Impersonation

Jim2Commerce Freight

Linked Parent Child Portal Setup

Mega Menu


Refill Ordering

Return Requests

Ship Address Management

Stock – Attachments

Store Locator Documentation

Virtual Product Setups