Stock – Attachments

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PDF Attachments

Datasheets, size charts, brochures, etc. can be displayed on products on your J2Commerce website. To add the files, you will need to upload these files (typically PDF) for them to display in the Attachments area.


View the stock code, go to the Documents icon in the footer and perform the following:

Click Edit, then Add New.

Select the PDF file required.

Allocate tags. There is a choice of three tags you can allocate your attachment to:

Portal PDF (typically brochures)

Portal Product Sheet

Portal Size Chart

Select these settings:

Hidden = Unticked

Usage = Preview Document

Click OK.



Select the tag that is most appropriate to your document type.



Completed parent product with document assigned


Further information


Bulk Ordering

Contact Us Maps Setup

Content Management

Customer Specific Catalogues

Internal User Setup Impersonation

Jim2Commerce Freight

Linked Parent Child Portal Setup

Mega Menu


Refill Ordering

Return Requests

Ship Address Management

Stock – Embroidery Setup

Store Locator Documentation

Virtual Product Setups