Auto Create Purchase Orders from Jobs

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If Just In Time (JIT) Stock Control is important, this feature will be of great use.


Easily auto create purchase orders directly from a job or list of jobs by right clicking and choosing Auto Create Purchase Orders.



Note: The correct way to auto create purchase orders is via a Job List. Creating purchase orders from the job should only be performed if there is definitely no manufactured stock already in stock. If there is stock on hand, the Auto Create Purchase Orders screen will not show the Manufacture checkbox.

Add the stock codes to jobs up front (the job information will update the purchase order).

Open a job or create a list of jobs using any of the list criteria, and select Run.

Right click in the stock grid of a job, or anywhere within the Job List result to open the Auto Create Purchase Order form.


In this area, you can choose to exclude from committed stock on jobs or exclude reserved/ready stock from quantity on hand.

Click Run to load the stock required from the job or Job List.


Note: The Supplier and Price Ex. fields may have an orange background colour. This represents a manual cost and vendor override, either manually at job level or via a promotion.

Make any alterations to the selected stock. The Order Qty column can be overridden to bring in more stock, and/or change vendor, etc. Choose which products to order using the Order column (tick/untick the box at a line level or use Select All/Deselect All).

Tick Link to PO, which will link the PO to the job. The PO# will appear in the stock grid, and the Job# will appear in the purchase order stock grid.

Click Order and purchase orders will be created for exactly what is required. These purchase orders can be edited further prior to sending them off to vendors if required.



At the bottom of the above image the wording Note: linked stock is excluded from this list means that no stock will be brought into this list if the job is already linked to a purchase order.


Refer to Purchases and Expenses – How to Auto Create Purchase Order for full details.



Note: When auto creating PO from jobs, the due date for the PO will be based on what has been set up in Tools > Options > Jobs




Using the above information, the due date on an auto created PO will be 5 days from the date the PO was created.


How to

Add a Job

Add Comments to a Job

Add Discount to a Job

Add Document to Job

Add Freight to Jobs

Add Multiple Jobs

Add Stock by Multi-selection

Add Stock to a Job

Add Stock to Job When Insufficient Stock

Charge a customer a restocking fee

Create a Job from a Similar or Previous Job

Create a Job Template for Recurring Jobs

Create Back order

Credit an Overcharged Customer

Handle Part Delivery of Jobs

Import Jobs

Job/Order Prepayments/Refunds



Mark a Job as Ready

Print a Job

Rent Stock to a Customer

Reserve Stock for a Job

Scan Stock into Jobs

Select Serial Numbers on a Job

Stock Availability Allocation Process by List

Stock Availability by Location on the Fly

Take Deposits from Customers

Unallocate stock from a job

Unlink a Job

Unmark a Job as Ready

Unprint a Job

Unreserve Stock for a Job

Use Comments to Track Work in a Job

Use Stock Lookup and Select

View or Edit a Job