Use Comments to Track Work in a Job

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Within a job all status changes will create a new line in the Comment grid. The user should add an appropriate comment on why the status has changed.


add new comment


Users should be encouraged to enter a new comment when customer contact is made, and to add useful information for the job record.


Ticking Inc beside the Comment field will show comments in the Job Report, but not on the invoice. You can also order comments based on either Status or by using the tick in Inc to bring those comments to the top of the grid.



Because each comment in the Comment grid is time/date/initial stamped, these form a chronological record of work performed and customer contact for immediate and future reference. The contents of the Comment grid add to the quality record for each job. The chronological order of comments is preferred and should be added so that the latest comments appear at the top of the Comment grid.


The Comment grid text need not appear on the invoice for a job – but can be reported on.


How to

Add a Job

Add Comments to a Job

Add Discount to a Job

Add Document to Job

Add Freight to Jobs

Add Multiple Jobs

Add Stock by Multi-selection

Add Stock to a Job

Add Stock to Job When Insufficient Stock

Auto create purchase orders from Jobs

Charge a customer a restocking fee

Create a Job from a Similar or Previous Job

Create a Job Template for Recurring Jobs

Create Back order

Credit an Overcharged Customer

Handle Part Delivery of Jobs

Import Jobs



Job/Order Prepayments/Refunds

Mark a Job as Ready

Print a Job

Rent Stock to a Customer

Reserve Stock for a Job

Scan Stock into Jobs

Select Serial Numbers on a Job

Stock Availability Allocation Process by List

Stock Availability by Location on the Fly

Take Deposits from Customers

Unallocate stock from a job

Unlink a Job

Unmark a Job as Ready

Unprint a Job

Unreserve Stock for a Job

Use Stock Lookup and Select

View or Edit a Job