Email Invoices

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When Jim2 creates an invoice, it can be printed immediately or it can be sent at a later stage.


On the Customer tab of the customer cardfile, Send Invoice via should be set to Email. Statements can also be sent the same way. Simply change the Send Statement via to Email as well.




When invoicing a job, Print also means to Email.





The word Print will change colour to indicate that the option chosen here differs from what the default is set to on the customer cardfile.




An email window will open and the invoice will be attached. It is good practice to set up a standard Email template for invoicing which will always be used when emailing invoices, and saves having to enter information into the body of the email each time an email is sent.


Email will send the invoice and print a copy if Printer 2 is set up to print 1. If not, Email will send only.


If you wish to display the Invoice number only on the invoice report name when emailing, set UseInvoiceCompanyName to False and UseInvoiceNoEmailFilename to True.




If you wish to display the Company name and Invoice number, set both variables to True.




Attaching other documents to invoice email

In the Email screen, under the Home tab, select Attach from file and add whichever documents are required.


For a document to be automatically attached when the invoice email is generated, add the document to the appropriate email template.




Then update the Editor Rules to use that template when generating the invoice email.




Nominate multiple email contacts for invoicing, statements, purchases, etc.

Jim2 can ascertain who should receive certain emails, eg. email invoices or email statements. These email contact types can be added to multiple cardfile contacts and the email will be sent to all those contacts.


For example:




Contact Name



John Smith

Email Invoices

Mary Brown

Email Invoices


In the above example, invoices will be emailed to both John and Mary.


More than one email address can be added against the same type, using a semi colon (:) between the email addresses, ie.




The following email types support this functionality:

Email Accounts

Email Creditors

Email Debtors

Email Invoices

Email Photocopier

Email Purchases.


Further Information

Add a Late Fee

Apply a Credit Payment when Invoicing

Find a cancelled invoice

Invoice a COD Customer Without Taking Payment

Invoice a List of Jobs

Invoice a Single Job

Invoice Descriptions

Invoice Details Tab on Job

Invoice Details Tab on Quote

Invoice Name on Job

Invoice Using GL Account

Invoicing Authentication Security

Job Invoice Options

Personalise an Invoice

Print an Invoice

Proforma Invoice

Raise a Tax Invoice for Progress Claims

Receive Payments When Invoicing

Reprint Invoices

Round up Invoices

Send Multiple Invoices to an Email Address

Set up back of page text on invoice

Unprint an Invoice and Reverse Payment

Docket Jobs

Sales Register