Email Editor Rules

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editor rules


Email Editor Rules define a number of defaults to use based on the type of email, ie. emailing debtors statements. These rules work for all users of Jim2. There are no specific rules for specific users.


A great example of when to use an email editor rule is when emailing the debtors statement report. The requirement in this case is: when emailing the statement report, use the Statement email template, tag the email as Accounts, and send using the accounts@ email address. This can easily be accomplished using the Template by Report email editor rule type.


email editor rules image


Editor Rule Type

Description of when to use

Default Templates

Default templates for all emails.

Templates by Source

Replying from a service job, sales job, quote, etc.

Template by Report

Sending a specific report via email, eg. a statement or invoice.


Editor Rule Type



Default Templates


Company default

Templates By Source


Email New

Email Reply

Email Forward

Email Password

Email Page Count

Sales Job

Service Job

Manufacturing Job


Return From Customer

Return to Vendor




Service Response

Reply Email


Email Tags


Template By Report


Debtors\debtor list\Statement



Reply Email


Email Tags

Accounts, Statement



Template, email address and tags are not required on every source and report. For example, the default email address might be for every time a sales job is responded to. In that case, select source Sales Job and reply email sales@. When specifying a reply email address to use, there is no restriction as to what this email address can be.


Branch level editor rules

Email Editor Rules support branches (if branches are enabled) allowing for different templates, tags, reply email and archive rules to be set at a branch level. The Branch column will only be available for selection if Branches is enabled via Options. Branch can be left empty if branch selection is not required.


Email subject tokens

Jim2 uses email tokens in an email's subject to allow automatic identification of incoming email responses for associating emails with a Jim2 object, ie. job, quote, etc.


Tokens can be disabled via Email Editor Rules for outgoing emails where a token is not required, for instance, when a reply is not expected.


Email Rules can be deleted by clicking within the field, then right click and select Delete Rule.


delete rule


Further information

Email Overview

Before you begin

Email Security Overview

CardFiles and Emails


Email Archiving

Email Editor Functions

Email Lists

Email Macros

Email Macros Syntax

Email Options

Email Preview Pane

Email Rules

Email Tags

Email Templates

Email Tokens


Set Up Email

How to add a Jes Instance

Email Options

Email Setup

Set up Incoming Emails

Set up Office 365 Email Accounts (Incoming)

Set up Office 365 Email Accounts (Outgoing)

Set up Gmail Accounts

Set up Pop3 Email Accounts

Set up Email Tag

Set up Email Folder

Set up Email Rule

Set up Email Security

Create an email list

Set up SMS via Email

Set up and Use Gmail in Jim2



How to

Attach Documents to Email

Bulk Email from a List

Compose and Send Emails

Create a Job, PO or Quote from Email

Create a Link Within an Email

Delete an Incorrect Email Address

Delete Multiple Emails

Diagnosing Incoming Email Issues

Diagnosing Outbound Email Issues

Edit Dictionary

Email from CardFile List

Email to Multiple Contacts

Failed Emails

Find Missing EmailsHow Email 'From' Works

Link an Email to a Job, PO, Quote, etc.

Other Email Functions

Out of Office Message

Send and Receive Emails

SMS Via Email