Email Tokens

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Email tokens are used to automatically link incoming emails to Jim2 objects in the database, eg. a job.


Whenever a new related email is sent, or an existing related email is Reply/Reply All/Forward, an email token is automatically added to the email subject.


The format of the token is as follows:



Where DATABASE is the database name, OBJECT is the description of the related Jim2 object, #XXXX is the Jim2 object number, and Y is the internal Jim2 object ID. For example:

(Happen Job#12234 0)


The actual text Job is not relevant, but is provided to make the token friendlier. The 0 on the end is the actual Jim2 internal object ID of a job. The token was created in this way so that the email recipient does not need to be aware that the email is related to a job, quote etc. and that objects within Jim2 can be renamed via Jim2 Options. For example, Job may have been renamed to Ticket.


The database name is added to the token, as it is entirely possible that emails are sent and received between different companies, both using Jim2. This also copes with the situation where a database is restored as, say, Jim_Training and email is inadvertently enabled.


When an email containing a token is received, it will be automatically assigned to that object, regardless.



Untick Subject Token within the Editor Rules if it is not required to appear in the Subject line of an email.





If you untick Subject Token, you will not see the subject token in the email Subject line. However, if a reply is received, the email will not be tagged to the object.


Further information

Email Overview

Before you begin

Email Security Overview

CardFiles and Emails


Email Archiving

Email Editor Functions

Email Editor Rules

Email Lists

Email Macros

Email Macros Syntax

Email Options

Email Preview Pane

Email Rules

Email Tags

Email Templates

Email Tokens


Set Up Email

How to add a Jes Instance

Email Options

Email Setup

Set up Incoming Emails

Set up Office 365 Email Accounts (Incoming)

Set up Office 365 Email Accounts (Outgoing)

Set up Gmail Accounts

Set up Pop3 Email Accounts

Set up Email Tag

Set up Email Folder

Set up Email Rule

Set up Email Security

Create an email list

Set up SMS via Email

Set up and Use Gmail in Jim2



How to

Attach Documents to Email

Bulk Email from a List

Compose and Send Emails

Create a Job, PO or Quote from Email

Create a Link Within an Email

Delete an Incorrect Email Address

Delete Multiple Emails

Diagnosing Incoming Email Issues

Diagnosing Outbound Email Issues

Edit Dictionary

Email from CardFile List

Email to Multiple Contacts

Failed Emails

Find Missing Emails

How Email 'From' Works

Link an Email to a Job, PO, Quote, etc.

Other Email Functions

Out of Office Message

Send and Receive Emails

SMS Via Email