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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Jim2.Cloud

Set up Jim2 Mobile for Jim2.Cloud

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Install the Jim2 App from the Apple App Store (web address: on your iPhone, and install. Start the app.


Start the Jim2 Mobile App on your Apple device. Select Settings in the lower right of the screen:


mobile settings


Select the plus symbol in circle symbol to add the Happen Cloud Access ID.


add access id



Happen Business will supply you with the Cloud Access ID. If you do not have it, please contact


Enter the Happen Cloud Access ID and select Done.


Once your Access ID is entered, select Sign In and log on with your Web Logon ID (refer to the User tab on your card file) and the same password you use to log on to Jim2.


web logon


Quick Logon Tip

Once you log on to Jim2 Mobile, create a four-digit pin code, rather than logging in each time using your username and password combination.


To create a pin code, select Options in the lower right of the screen. Select Pin Code to create your four-digit number, click Confirm.



This pin is specific to the device only.


Congratulations, you have completed setup. Welcome to Jim2 Mobile!


Further information: